Joanna Sempruch

Joanna Sempruch

7-star Crew Coach


You may want to sail away with us and learn various skills that will support the quality of your crew life onboard the luxury yacht and then later after yachting. You may think we are able to teach you the basic knots only, let’s say, but the truth is that we really enjoy providing the meticulously tailored courses – according to your sophisticated development needs – both we feel strong at. If you think, you got stranded and lost your goals, please, call Stewarding Academy 7-star Crew Training provider as soon as possible. We have been there and done that!

In the autumn 2024 we would like to propose you some new training packages and webinar series. This time we are going broader – you will note our holistic approach soon.

Our aim is to support you when needed in every step you take so that you get things done. What is your current edu-SOS button?

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